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Entering elements into the stack from user and transfering into two stack with equal height.

#define maxsize 50
struct stack
 int stk[maxsize];
 int top;
typedef struct stack STACK;
STACK s1,s2;
int i,n;
int mid;
void array();
void push1();
void push2();
void traverse1();
void traverse2();
void main()


void array()
int arr[50];
  printf("\n enter the no of array ele to be stored ::");
  printf("\n enter the array elements ::\n");
    printf("\n enter arr[%d] ::\t",i);

void push1()
   int arr[50];
   if( (maxsize-1))
    printf("\n stack is full ");
void push2()
{  int arr[50];
   if( (maxsize-1))
    printf("\n stack is full ");
       s2.stk[] =arr[i];

void traverse1()
 int i;
   printf("\n nothing to display , stack is empty ::");
   printf("\n stack 1 :");
    printf("\n %d",s1.stk[i]);
void traverse2()
   printf("\n nothing to display , stack is empty ::");
   printf("\n stack 2 :");
    printf("\n %d",s2.stk[i]);



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